This course is a survey of various methodologies employed in the study of political science as a foundation for Senior Independent Study. It emphasizes research design, hypothesis construction, data collection, and a variety of forms of empirical political analysis. PSCI 40101 is a prerequisite for enrolling in PSCI 45100. Political science majors normally take PSCI 40101 in their junior year. In the rare case of a student spending their entire junior year off-campus, they must notify the Chair of the Department of Political Science no later than fall semester of their sophomore year so arrangements can be made for the student to take the course in spring semester of their sophomore year. The department recommends that students have at least one introductory course and one 200-level course in their concentration field prior to enrolling in PSCI 40101. Students with a field specialization in Political Theory are exempt from this requirement but are required to take PSCI 40102 instead.
- Teacher: Michele Leiby