Introducing Moodle 4.3!

Check out all the new features in the new and improved Moodle!

Companion Account

A new plugin Companion account has been added to Moodle 24-25 that allows faculty to access a companion account to their normal "Teacher" role that behaves exactly like a student in order to practice submitting assignments or taking quizzes. See our Companion account page in our Moodle Professional Development course for more details.

Course Page

Quickly create content

Click to add an activity or resource anywhere on the Course homepage.


Indent items

Indent activities or resources one place to the right (or left for right-to-left languages) on the Course homepage, with the indentation shown in the course index, too.


Bulk actions

Bulk delete, move, duplicate, hide, or change visibility from the footer.



Streamlined cards

Narrower activity cards with smaller icons.

Streamlined appearance of resource and activity items

Activity completion dropdown

Access activity completion conditions from a dropdown menu.



Availability options

A modal window gives teachers quick access to change availability.


Restriction details

Neater display of Show more/less links for restrictions.

Show More or Less or activity's restrictions


Quizzes & Question bank

Reopen attempts

Teachers can reopen attempts never submitted.


Customize view of Question Bank

Teachers can hide, remove, or resize columns in the Question bank.




Collapse columns

Collapse columns in the Grader report.


Collapse categories

Collapse categories in the Gradebook setup for easier management.


Sticky footer

Sticky footers give quick access to common action buttons and navigation links.




Need more information?

Watch the associated Moodle feature videos

Want to learn more? Be sure to enroll in the Moodle Professional Development course (for both Faculty and Students) to keep learning more about Moodle! Check out the What's new in Moodle! topic.

Last modified: Monday, July 22, 2024, 2:12 PM